Your voice matters

3 min readApr 2, 2021


The vision of Civicpower is to make voting accessible to all.

For some people, living in a democracy has become something so normal that they have even given up, stopped voting. For others voting does not exist, they live in a society that does not ask their opinion on anything.
They’re unable to vote.
Their voice is unheard.
They must live in silence.

Only 25% of adults voted in the last possible election for them, 157 states hold elections but +2B humans leave in 80 autocracies (1).

We all want to give our opinion. History shows that humans are not as smart and self-organizing as ants or bees. We need an expressed consensus and no less known rules to make society together.

The unstoppable deployment of the Internet spreads the information and the social link even in the most closed territories. The thirst for knowledge, exchange and freedom of the people cannot be contained in the long run even by the most oppressive regimes.

The Internet changed the way people live. Information has no borders anymore, even in the most oppressive regimes. People understood it, and found ways to spread information at all cost (Telegram, Signal, etc).

We want to become the preferred voting application for people.
Civicpower has been designed with a clear vision: reflecting people’s voice.
Becoming the new standard to express the vote.

Your voting content is special, it requires a secure, impartial and sovereign handling for both personal and professional needs. It must be respectful of your anonymity while providing you with proof that no manipulation has taken place.
It is a bit like your payment “content”, it is managed by a specialist who brings the necessary trust between you and the merchant.

We have designed our platform to meet these requirements: accessible without technical or financial barriers, capable of supporting an infinite load, progressive in its deployment, non-influential in its organization, transparent in its operation.

Our application has been built around key principles:

  • anonymity: identity protected. Civicpower doesn’t share data related to its users,
  • independence: impartial, apolitical, and transparent in its governance,
  • robust : immutability of the votes, and supporting infinite scalability,
  • versatile: suited for private and/or public use,
  • accessibility: easy to use and doesn’t require any technical skill

Civicpower is free of charge for individuals and associations who wish to use it. They can donate to the Civicpower Foundation if they wish and have the means to do so. Because you are not the product, Civicpower will never transmit the identity or data of its users. Moreover, the database, the private key of the blockchain and the source code are the property of the non profit Civicpower foundation.

Our source of revenue comes from the services we provide to government structures that wish to improve their organization and (better) involve their citizens. We help them to organize their digital elections easily and at a lower cost.

The Civicpower team is now more than twenty people within the foundation, the integrator Votelab and the token POWER team.
Civicpower website
Public vote cloud
$POWER token
Telegram official channel
Our Facebook page
Twitter feed

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